From Kitchen Bench to Dream Business: The Story of The Physic Garden

Hey there, I’m Charelle - Mum, naturopath, and the founder of The Physic Garden! I’ve always had my feet firmly planted (pun intended) in the World of natural remedies. Growing up, herbal potions, essential oils, and DIY tinctures were just part of the family routine. While some kids were slapping on chemical bug spray, we were rubbing citronella oil on our wrists. Natural medicine was our go-to, and it’s something that’s stayed with me throughout my life.

But life doesn’t always follow the path you expect, does it? Fast forward to adulthood, and I found myself stressed-out, working a career that was slowly draining my health. In 2011, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid disease - a wake-up call if ever there was one! My instinct was to go back to what I knew best: natural medicine. So, I ditched the job and returned to my roots (literally) by studying naturopathy and herbal medicine.

During my studies, I rediscovered my passion for herbs and nature, and I felt a real pull to help others reconnect with plants in an easy, practical way. By 2015, I was working as a naturopath and clients were constantly asking for natural, vegan, and eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products like sleep balms, vapour rubs, and even nappy creams. There just wasn’t anything out there that ticked all the boxes - natural, locally made, cruelty-free, and effective.

And then it hit me - why not create them myself?

So, in a flurry of inspiration, I started formulating a range of balms from our kitchen bench. I wanted them to be completely natural, with minimal processing to keep the plant ingredients as pure as possible. Picture this: me in the kitchen, carefully blending ingredients, while also cutting out and gluing each label by hand. At the time, I could only make 16 products at a time - it was equal parts chaotic and rewarding. But I loved every minute of it!

In March 2016, The Physic Garden was born. We started selling online and at local markets, and I was blown away by the incredible feedback we received right from the start. People were telling me how much our products were helping them, and that was all the motivation I needed to take The Physic Garden full-time.

Fast forward to today, and our product range has expanded to include magnesium oil, essential oils & bath soaks. We’ve also ditched plastic packaging for our balms and, thanks to the amazing support of our customers, we’ve planted over 15,000 trees! Every product is still hand-blended in our studio in Melbourne, and I’m beyond grateful to watch this little dream grow.

Of course, there have been some cute additions to the team - our son joined in 2020 and his favourite tasks include "helping" with the biodegradable packing foam and spinning on the office chairs (both equally important, I’d say).


For me, it’s not just about selling products - it’s about sharing the magic of these incredible plants with you. When you use them, I hope you feel the care and love that’s gone into each one. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll join us in a real-life Physic Garden to share a cup of lemon myrtle tea and chat about the wonders of nature!

Thanks for being part of this journey. I can’t wait to see where we grow from here.

Xx Charelle

Founder & Naturopath at The Physic Garden