4 Weird Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a powerhouse mineral that plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions in your body, from supporting muscle function to maintaining energy levels. Despite its importance, research shows that a whopping 70% of people don’t meet the recommended daily intake - 420 mg per day for men and 320 mg per day for women. While you may be familiar with common symptoms of magnesium deficiency like poor sleep and muscle cramps, there are also some more unusual signs you might be running low on this essential mineral. Here are four surprising symptoms that could indicate you need more magnesium.

1. Brittle Nails and Hair

While you may associate strong nails and shiny hair with nutrients like biotin or calcium, magnesium also plays a big role. Magnesium regulates protein synthesis, including keratin, which is vital for healthy hair and nails. If your nails are weak, splitting, or your hair is dry and brittle, it could be a subtle sign that your magnesium levels are low. Without enough magnesium, your body struggles to maintain the strength and structure of these tissues, leaving you with breakable nails and dull hair.

2. Constipation

Magnesium is critical for healthy digestion, as it helps relax the muscles in the digestive tract and promotes regular bowel movements. If you're dealing with constipation, it could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium works by drawing water into the intestines, which softens stool and makes it easier to pass. This is why magnesium is often used in natural laxatives. If things aren't moving as they should, you might want to consider whether you're getting enough magnesium in your diet.

3. Unexplained Fatigue

Feeling unusually tired or drained, even after a good night’s sleep? Low magnesium could be the reason. Magnesium is essential for cellular energy production, and without enough of it, your body struggles to produce the energy it needs to keep you going. This can leave you feeling constantly fatigued and sluggish. If your energy levels are low for no apparent reason, boosting your magnesium intake might be the solution.

4. Mood Swings or Anxiety

Magnesium plays a vital role in regulating your mood by supporting neurotransmitters like serotonin, which help maintain emotional balance. If you're experiencing unexpected mood swings, anxiety, or irritability, low magnesium levels could be the underlying cause. Magnesium is often referred to as a "natural relaxant" because it calms the nervous system and helps manage stress. If your emotions feel out of whack or you're feeling more anxious than usual, it might be time to up your magnesium intake.

How to Increase Your Magnesium Intake

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may need to pay closer attention to your magnesium levels. Magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds (particularly almonds and pumpkin seeds), avocados, and whole grains. If it’s challenging to meet your magnesium needs through diet alone, topical magnesium products, like magnesium oil sprays or bath soaks, offer another way to increase your levels by allowing magnesium to be absorbed through the skin - especially helpful if oral supplements cause digestive issues. Just 8 sprays our our Magnesium Oil will give you 264mg of extra magnesium daily.

The Bottom Line

With 70% of people falling short of the recommended intake, it’s important to listen to your body and make sure you’re getting enough magnesium. Whether through diet or topical magnesium spray, boosting your magnesium levels can have a profound impact on how you feel, from your energy levels to your digestion and even your emotional well-being. Start today and your body will thank you for it.